Journey from 1990 to 2025:
The M. Hashim Memorial Trust-(MHMT) was established and registered with the Government of Sindh in 1990 with the aim of providing state of the art medical, surgical and therapeutic services to the masses with provisions for free, sponsored or concessional cancer therapy and other medical services to the underprivileged patients.
Revival of the M Hashim Memorial Trust:
NCCI is now functioning under the umbrella of the M. Hashim Memorial Trust, this was achieved from April 2015 onwards. Our aim is to provide free or subsidized cancer treatment of the afflicted patients. We do not obtain any grants from the Sindh Government and mostly work with donations for charitable purposes. This is of course sometimes limited by the non-availability of funds, which is the reason we are now trying to garner more funding opportunities from the private sector and the philanthropists of the country.
At NCCI we work with all of the below;
- Zakat
- Donations
- Patient Sponsorship
The MHMT ensures complete confidentiality of the donors and has an open policy in regards to information pertaining to expenditure of the donations.
The past audit reports of the Trust are also available on the website.
You can send/deposit zakat/donations by the following means;
- Cash
- Cheque
- Payorder
- Demand Draft.
- Receipt of deposit will be provided by the MHMT accountant
- All bank transactions to be made in favor of M Hashim Memorial Trust
Annual Budget:
The annual projected budget for the financial year 2023-2024 is approximately Rs.100 Million.
Individual Patient Treatment Cost:
The treatment cost is approximately Rs 250,000 per patient.
Patient Flow:
Now a days more than 500 out patients are visiting NCCI daily and around 1550 patients in Synergy-S and 1680 in Gamma knife are registered and around 2265 patients avail services of PET CT Scan.